Second Phase of BootCamp pt. 2..

1 min readMay 2, 2021


So project time has reared it’s ugly head again. Last time I couldn’t complete the requirements on time and had to start the phase over in a new cohort. Not to make excuse but these past few months have been difficult and it’s all catching up to me now. Between studying for school, starting a new fulltime job in the middle of the busiest time of the year for them, and just personal life, has been taking a toll. But enough excuses…

Phase 2 of Flatirons bootcamp is a Sintara project. Creating out first website and making sure it works. Have I honeslty dedicated enough time to learn everything? No, but my anxiety punishes me enough. I am nearing the submission deadline, I’m close but yet so far. The assessement is what has me nervous. so hopefully it works out. Didn’t talk much about the project, its hard but doable. My advice is use your time wisely. I promised myself to do better going forward.

Wish me luck :-)




Aspiring Software Engineer, looking forward to connect with the current and future leaders of tech!